Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Coming out of hiding...

So, I am way over due to write a post. It doesn't seem correct that I have not written since December, but I looked back into my archives, and noticed I had started multiple entries, but I never hit Publish Post to any of them. I believe it is because I am always afraid to say something that I shouldn't post for the world to see, but when I sit back and think about it, the whole world can see my life if they really want to look into the windows of this boring house that is always in disarray. So, here it is world...

We initiated quite a big purchase a few weeks ago, it is a 5 bedroom, 3 bath house. It is located in North Avondale, it is conveniently only 2 blocks from Adam's Montessori school. It is on a corner lot, there is a detached garage, and a fairly large basement. There is an extra room off of the dinning room that will become a toy room for the twins, the kitchen is awesome. Plenty of counter space (which we have never had), and a lot, I do mean a lot of cabinet space. The yard, oh the yard! Being a corner lot, it has an amazing amount of space in the yard. Plenty of room for gardens for vegetables, flowers, and even Kyle's hops.
This is a side view of the house, but you can get the idea of how large the house truly is!

On other fronts, Adam started back to school yesterday. He is in the 6th grade this year. He started at the Montessori school last May when he tested in. We were very unhappy with the way his other school was lacking in homework, and over all communication with us, so, we switched.

Kyle has taken the summer off of school, but he will be returning in a little over a month to finish off his last quarter. After that, we will see where the good Lord takes us!

I too took the summer off of school, and I plan on returning in the fall. I am not too sure on if I will be returning early or late fall due to buying the house, and moving.

The twins have been seeing a new doctor, she is in the psychology department at Childrens. She has done a wonderful job at helping us with alternative ways to parent and discipline the twins. Honestly, it is working out well. They still have days (like today) when they wake up and are just generally in a destroying mood. But, all in all we have been able to enjoy them a little more each day that passes. Once we move, and they have more room to run, I am certain that things will settle down.

Boring. Things are pretty much boring around here. There is a lot going on, but it is all boring mundane things. So if you stay tuned for the next post, I would be surprised ;)