Thursday, June 19, 2008

It costs how much?

SO today I finally went to the doctors. I have been putting of going to an actual family doctor for a few years now. I have been depending on my OB-GYN to do everything since I am so comfortable with him. But I have found the best family practice doctor! I am going to Trinity Family Medicine. I am seeing Doctor Angela Tucker. She was very nice, very welcoming and she listened. I had a lot to cover with her since I had not been to see anyone in quite some time. She has decided to put me back on zoloft, and has given me some names to some psychologist/councilors. She was not able to test me for Diabetes today since I had eaten breakfast. So I go back in 4 weeks to see how well the zoloft is working and that morning I have to fast so she can do blood work. She says a lot of the fatiguing I have is from depression. I thought I was cleared from the depression. UGH. So hopefully things will start getting a little less stressful, she said I have a lot of stressers. She also put me on Imitrex. She wants to put me on a preventative medicine for my migraines, but she doesn't want to start anything until after my 4 week check in with the zoloft. BTW the pills are $27.22 a piece! I can only get 9 at a time since my insurance doesn't like to cover them very often or too many in quantity.


Jill said...

depression isn't always just "sadness"....welcome to my world. i'm here if you need me!!!

Mom to 5...Daughter of the King said...

I am not surprised that is the cause of your fatigue. I know it is the cause of mine. Mine isurance only does 9 imitrex a month, too.....