Friday, January 4, 2008

Short post....long night

2nd night of late shift...

I woke up tonight to Kyle kissing me on my forehead telling me to take my time coming down stairs. All I heard was screaming. By the tone... I could tell it was Aiden. I got down here and Kyle was still trying to feed Aiden... from 2:30a.m. Aiden had woke up a half hour early and was starving lol so Kyle went ahead and tried to feed him and an hour and a half later he was still trying to get him to take his bottle. Granted he had taken most of it.. but not all of it. He just smiled and said "Get them to sleep and go back to bed baby." So I put their paci's in their mouths and laid them down.. and it was easy as pie. It sometimes just takes a mommy to do the job.

Today is Friday and we have Aiden's eye appointment. Kyle is able to go with me which is good since the important appointments he has not been able to go to something has always gone wrong (when we found out we had TTTS, the day the admitted me to the hospital etc.). Prayers are in full force for our little guy. We found out that if he has to have eye surgery, they will need to keep him over night in the NICU for observation since he has to go under anesthesia.

So I am off to sleep since it is quite.... for once. God love them.


erin richardson said...

Score one for the mommies of this world! And I'm praying for Aiden.